Family: Primulaceae
English: Drumstick Primrose
Chinese: qiu hua bao chun, 球花报春
Finnish: Palloesikko
German: Kugel-Primel
India: bishjopra, chailaduer, Nitaha
Tibet: Keechey
Description: Perennial, stems 15-20 cm high, basal leaves in a rosette, spherical inflorescence on a strong stalk. Seeds angular, dentate at edges, 0.8-0.9 x 0.6-0.7 mm. Surface waved, slight lustrous, dark-brown. [Atlas of Seeds and Fruits of Central and East-European Flora]
Poisonous to cattle. Plant used externally as anodyne. Leaves, roots and flowers for cough and cold. Powder of roots used for killing leeches. [CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants]
Root—powder used for killing leeches. Flowers—eaten in salad. The whole plant contains several triterpenoid saponins. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Published articles of Primula denticulata
1. Bhatt, H., S. Saklani, and K. Upadhayay, ANTI-OXIDANT AND ANTI-DIABETIC ACTIVITIES OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF Primula denticulata FLOWERS. Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy, 2016. 27(2): p. 74-79.
2. Hayashi, M., et al., Unreduced 3x gamete formation of allotriploid hybrid derived from the cross of Primula denticulata (4x) x P. rosea (2x) as a causal factor for producing pentaploid hybrids in the backcross with pollen of tetraploid P. denticulata. Euphytica, 2009. 169(1): p. 123-131.
3. Zhang, R.L., Q.X. Zhang, and D.L. Zhang, Population diversity of Primula denticulata Smith ssp sinodenticulata (Balf.f. et forr.) W.W. Smith et Forr. as revealed by AFLP markers. Hortscience, 2008. 43(3): p. 595-595.
4. Hayashi, M., et al., Variation of ploidy level in inter-section hybrids obtained by reciprocal crosses between tetraploid Primula denticulata (2n=4x=44) and diploid P-rosea (2n=2x=22). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2007. 82(1): p. 5-10.
5. Hayashi, M., et al., Inter-sectional hybrids with various ploidy levels between Primula denticulata and three varieties of P-modesta. Breeding Science, 2007. 57(2): p. 165-173.
6. Tokalov, S.V., et al., Biological effects of epicuticular flavonoids from Primula denticulata on human leukemia cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2004. 52(2): p. 239-245.
7. Aplin, C., R. Tan, and C. Lovell, Allergic contact dermatitis from Primula auricula and Primula denticulata. Contact Dermatitis, 2000. 42(1): p. 48-48.
8. Wollenweber, E., et al., 5-HYDROXY-6,2'-DIMETHOXYFLAVONE FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Phytochemistry, 1990. 29(2): p. 633-637.
9. Ahmad, V.U., V. Sultana, and Q.N. Saqib, TRITERPENOID SAPONINS FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Planta Medica, 1990. 56(1): p. 94-97.
10. Ahmad, V.U., et al., SAPONINS FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Phytochemistry, 1988. 27(1): p. 304-306.
11. Zimmer, K., FLOWERING OF PRIMULA-DENTICULATA SMITH. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 1986. 51(6): p. 250-254.
12. Ahmad, V.U., Q.N. Saqib, and K. Usmanghani, PRIDENTIGENIN-E,A TRITERPENOID SAPOGENIN FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Phytochemistry, 1980. 19(8): p. 1875-1876.
13. Ahmad, V.U., et al., NEW TRITERPENOID FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section B-a Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1980. 35(4): p. 511-512.
14. Shah, C.S. and V.M. Sukkawala, PHARMACOGNOSTIC STUDY OF ROOTS OF PRIMULA DENTICULATA SMITH. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 1961. C 20(2): p. 57-+.
15. Blasdale, W.C., THE COMPOSITION OF THE SOLID SECRETION PRODUCED BY PRIMULA DENTICULATA. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1945. 67(3): p. 491-493.
2. Hayashi, M., et al., Unreduced 3x gamete formation of allotriploid hybrid derived from the cross of Primula denticulata (4x) x P. rosea (2x) as a causal factor for producing pentaploid hybrids in the backcross with pollen of tetraploid P. denticulata. Euphytica, 2009. 169(1): p. 123-131.
3. Zhang, R.L., Q.X. Zhang, and D.L. Zhang, Population diversity of Primula denticulata Smith ssp sinodenticulata (Balf.f. et forr.) W.W. Smith et Forr. as revealed by AFLP markers. Hortscience, 2008. 43(3): p. 595-595.
4. Hayashi, M., et al., Variation of ploidy level in inter-section hybrids obtained by reciprocal crosses between tetraploid Primula denticulata (2n=4x=44) and diploid P-rosea (2n=2x=22). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology, 2007. 82(1): p. 5-10.
5. Hayashi, M., et al., Inter-sectional hybrids with various ploidy levels between Primula denticulata and three varieties of P-modesta. Breeding Science, 2007. 57(2): p. 165-173.
6. Tokalov, S.V., et al., Biological effects of epicuticular flavonoids from Primula denticulata on human leukemia cells. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2004. 52(2): p. 239-245.
7. Aplin, C., R. Tan, and C. Lovell, Allergic contact dermatitis from Primula auricula and Primula denticulata. Contact Dermatitis, 2000. 42(1): p. 48-48.
8. Wollenweber, E., et al., 5-HYDROXY-6,2'-DIMETHOXYFLAVONE FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Phytochemistry, 1990. 29(2): p. 633-637.
9. Ahmad, V.U., V. Sultana, and Q.N. Saqib, TRITERPENOID SAPONINS FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Planta Medica, 1990. 56(1): p. 94-97.
10. Ahmad, V.U., et al., SAPONINS FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Phytochemistry, 1988. 27(1): p. 304-306.
11. Zimmer, K., FLOWERING OF PRIMULA-DENTICULATA SMITH. Gartenbauwissenschaft, 1986. 51(6): p. 250-254.
12. Ahmad, V.U., Q.N. Saqib, and K. Usmanghani, PRIDENTIGENIN-E,A TRITERPENOID SAPOGENIN FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Phytochemistry, 1980. 19(8): p. 1875-1876.
13. Ahmad, V.U., et al., NEW TRITERPENOID FROM PRIMULA-DENTICULATA. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Section B-a Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1980. 35(4): p. 511-512.
14. Shah, C.S. and V.M. Sukkawala, PHARMACOGNOSTIC STUDY OF ROOTS OF PRIMULA DENTICULATA SMITH. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 1961. C 20(2): p. 57-+.
15. Blasdale, W.C., THE COMPOSITION OF THE SOLID SECRETION PRODUCED BY PRIMULA DENTICULATA. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1945. 67(3): p. 491-493.